Monday, April 11, 2016

House Cleaning with Pets

Keeping a clean house is possible — even with pets — if you groom them regularly and remain proactive with house cleaning.
Having a clean house when you have a dog, cat or other pet might seem like the ultimate oxymoron.
For those of us with furry friends, another level of difficulty is added to our daily and weekly house cleaning routines. Follow these easy tips to battle the inevitable chores that come along with our beloved four-legged friends.

Start with house cleaning basics

While this may seem like a training and grooming guide for a moment, these basic tips will truly help in keeping your household cleaning tasks manageable.
  1. Consistently comb your pets. Loose pet hair can quickly turn into tumbleweeds in every room. Add forced-air heat or A/C to the mix, and it’s a recipe for disaster.
  2. Use a crate or a special pet area for sleeping and relaxing. Keeping your pets off your furniture may be tough at first, but this is a great training technique and also helps prevent everyday pet messes.
  3. Designate an eating spot for easy clean up.
  4. Have an area to clean paws after being outdoors.
  5. Keep any rooms closed off that are not pet-friendly or that your furry friend does not need to be in.

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